Our mission is to develop and distribute a curriculum that will pull back the veil of exclusive European history to reveal a world vision of human advancement through an Ancient African perspective. With this understanding, all students,, will experience a balanced perspective of history, people, and culture forgotten or set aside.
We believe the outcome of our mission will begin the eradication of systemic racism and finally reveal the power of youth as they embrace the inspiration of unification.
The African and African American Infusion Curriculum enables students to learn about the origins, the wealth of contributions, and courage of men and women from Ancient Africa to the modern Diaspora in the Americas and other parts of the world.
The historical works of Ancient Africa’s evolution and accomplishments that have laid the foundation of human development will be the core of the curriculum while addressing the origins of (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) “STEM” and its contributions into modern pedagogy.
"Until the Lion tells his story the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter." ~African Proverb
The power of knowing the connective tissue of your past brings insight and direction to your future. Our company, Keystone Universal Education, understands the power of education and our obligation to open the doors that provide the possibility of success if hard work is unified with moments of educational epiphanies.
Our purpose is to bring a bright future based on real historical achievements of African trailblazers for all student eager to learn.